Creative Peacemeal
Well known, and up-and-coming guests—ranging from artists, actors, musicians, authors, illustrators, chefs, designers, and more—share starts, struggles, triumphs, and more in compelling, thought-provoking interviews. The show is sure to inspire, spark curiosity, and maybe even having you dust off that clarinet, pick up a paintbrush, start that novel, or anything else you can dream.
Creative Peacemeal
John Cotter, Author, Playwright (PART TWO)
The brilliant author and playwright, John Cotter returns to the podcast mere weeks before his memoir, LOSING MUSIC hits the shelves. We discuss a myriad of subjects, and always, his deep introspection is a delight. Tune in, and if you haven't heard part one, make sure to check that out too.
John Cotter is the author of the memoir Losing Music, from Milkweed Editions, portions of which have appeared in Raritan, Catapult, Indiana Review, and Guernica. His novel, Under the Small Lights, was published by Miami University Press in 2010, and his fiction, essays, criticism, and theater pieces have appeared in New England Review, Washington Square, Electric Literature’s Recommended Reading, Georgia Review, and Commonweal.
John has worked as a theater director, ghostwriter, trash collector, and copy editor, as well as a teacher of environmental ethics, English literature, and history. From 2009 – 2017 he served as Executive Editor of the arts and review site Open Letters Monthly. In 2018 he was Artist in Residence at SPACE Gallery in Portland, Maine, and in 2022 he’ll be a resident fellow at the James Merrill House in Stonington, Connecticut. Born and raised in New England, John now lives in Denver with his wife, the poet Elisa Gabbert. He teaches at Lighthouse Writers Workshop.
To learn more about John, check out the links below.
Website: https://johncotter.net/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/smalllights
Visit the Self-Care Institute at https://www.selfcareinstitute.com/
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